Expand Your Client Base and Available Services

More services lead to more clients and additional revenue. Here's how it works:

Are you a freelance trainer or consultant, or a small firm with 2-20 professionals? This is a great time to expand your offerings and create additional revenue streams. Consider partnering with FlexTraining. We provide initial training, guidance, documentation, AI options, your own web portal, and ongoing technical support. It's a unique program, adaptable to all industries.

Do you have time to take on additional clients, providing various professional services?

Are you experienced in working with a variety of companies in specific markets and industries?

Can you work with web-based applications and streamlined cloud platforms that fit all industries?

Start soon to maximize monthly income as illustrated here:   Estimate My Revenue

Help Change The World

Success Is Easy

Of course it isn't. But we give you all the tools and best practices that provide a common-sense framework and a path to revenue growth. You are in control.

Are you ready for something new? Would you like to represent a proven, stable, amazing technology?

We offer strong support, a proven product, and the ability to utilize your own techniques and methods. We will train and support you on the FlexTraining system, face-to-face and remotely, so you will always feel confident and prepared.

Love What You Do

If you have an ongoing consulting or training practice, we should at least have a conversation. We want to build a long-term relationship that benefits both parties. We are a true partner, whose experience will help guide you to growing sales and creating solid annual revenue streams.

View a brief demo of the FlexTraining system now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the FlexTraining product complicated?

Not at all. If you can use and demonstrate applications like Excel or PowerPoint, you can understand FlexTraining. We have customers who have no technicals skills or resources, and they need to be successful too!

How long has FlexTraining been on the market?

FlexTraining has been powering online training for over 20 years. But it has been continuously re-written and enhanced to keep it modern and to increase its utility, so it has changed greatly over the years. Everyone agrees it's better than ever!

Are there sales collateral documents and white papers I can utilize?

Yes, and much more. We will also give you a demo/practice system that is available online 24/7, and guidance and tools to acquire new customers. We will even talk to your prospects to help execute a sale if you request help.

How do I find customers?

That's always an important question to consider. We have two options. You can either utilize your network of existing contacts you have built up over years of experience in other industries, or we will furnish leads for you, using web advertising and online forms. It really depends on your needs and background.

How do I get paid?

You can have your customers pay you directly, and then you can remit our share to us afterward. Or you can have a new customer pay us directly, and we will remit your share to you. Either way, you get paid immediately.

I thought everything on the internet was free?

Not quite. Everything USELESS on the internet is free. In our case, your small investment pays for us to train you, to provide a demo system, and give you strong technical support as you ramp up. It's a one-time fee, not an annual cost.

So how would I get started?

First, view this short demo of the FlexTraining user-friendly system. Consider if you are ready for something new, and then complete the brief form below. We will send you a very short agreement to get things going, and then we will schedule your 2-hour one-on-one training. That's it.

FlexTraining Strategic Partner - Details

Creating revenue flows: It's always your decision, but your activities would likely include:

  1. Providing the FlexTraining platform to clients: Introduce and deliver the FlexTraining Universal Learning Platform to existing and new clients. This is the foundational sales activity which enables all the following services. We support you heavily during these activities.
  2. Training Program Design and Delivery: Creating and delivering custom training programs tailored to the needs of clients. This can include in-person, virtual, and blended learning formats.
  3. Content Creation: Developing training materials, such as e-learning modules, videos, guides, and manuals, which can be sold or licensed to clients or through the training platform. (Use AI tools as needed if you like, in FlexTraining and external.)
  4. Consulting Services: Providing expert advice and strategies on learning and development initiatives, organizational change, and workforce development.
  5. Platform Implementation and Integration: Implement and manage online training, use FlexTraining to launch courses, integrate with external systems. (May require some technical skills.)
  6. Performance Analysis and Reporting: Offering services to analyze training effectiveness, providing insights and reports on learner performance, and recommending improvements.
  7. Train-the-Trainer Programs: Conducting programs to train internal trainers of the client organization, enabling them to effectively deliver training content.
  8. Certification Programs: Developing and managing certification programs that validate the skills and knowledge acquired by learners through FlexTraining.
  9. Subscription Services: Offering subscription-based access to premium content, advanced analytics, or additional support services.
  10. Workshops and Seminars: Organizing and conducting workshops, seminars, and webinars on various topics related to professional development and skills enhancement.
  11. Custom Course Development: Creating custom online courses using the FlexTraining coursebuilder, AI tools, and flexible online knowledge assessments to meet client needs.
  12. Partnerships and Collaborations: Forming strategic partnerships with other firms or educational institutions to expand the range of training offerings and reach a broader audience.
  13. Customer Support and Helpdesk Services: Providing ongoing customer support and helpdesk services to clients using the training platform.
  14. We provide you with a complete hosted training system, strategy, guidance, implementation and tech support during all the activities above. No technical skills are required except where noted.

No Annual Fee. Your one-time-only investment of $19,900 $4900 gives you:

  1. System training on creating online courses, managing learners, tracking progress, utilizing AI, and generating revenue
  2. Authorization to sell annual subscriptions to the FlexTraining system, in all industries, at various user levels.
  3. Authorization to create and sell online courses within any one of your customer's FlexTraining portals.
  4. Strategic guidance as you market, sell and deliver your training-related services.
  5. Immediate payment of 30% commission on each FlexTraining system sale.
  6. The right to perform fee-based professional services, such as course-building and system operation, and to keep 100% of the services fees.
  7. Your own private, complete FlexTraining portal with all system features, to be used for exploration, testing, demos for prospects and other non-revenue purposes.
  8. Full tech support as long as you are an active FlexTraining Sales & Service Partner.

Tremendous Opportunity for an Individual Or Company Who:

  1. Has at least 2 years of business-to-business sales experience, with a track record of success.
  2. Is self-motivated, self-directed and a strong interpersonal communicator.
  3. Can utilize a strategic, consultative approach to gaining and servicing customers.
  4. Is able to understand application software and E-Learning features.
  5. Is able to work full or part-time with accelerating performance-based compensation.
  6. Wants to sell a proven software product anywhere in the US.

Yes I'm Serious And Ready To Take Action

  • System Overview
  • Tech Sales 101 Guide
  • Features Comparison
  • Sales Tips


Company / Organization:
Business Email:
Phone Number:
Which authorization form should we send you: Start earning now, just book consulting time with us, or explore and learn on your own?

Why should I complete this form?

                     What is in the Free Tier?

How Your Clients Use FlexTraining

Compliance Training

Organizations need to provide their employees with compliance training on a wide range of topics, including discrimination, harassment, dealing with competitors, records management, etc. Many of these compliance topics are addressed in a Code of Conduct, and the organization may offer employees periodic Code of Conduct training.

Customer Training

Customers often need education in order to make the best use of your products and services. Additionally, online courses deliver a solid value and proven benefits, and can be an integral part of your revenue profile. Customers can learn in a private, secure environment with user-defined exercises and tests.

Marketing Online Courses

Online courses are a valuable asset. There are companies, organizations, and individuals who benefit from your knowledge, and are willing to pay for it. You can sell courses to anyone with a web browser and an internet connection, and with the FlexTraining platform you can have your custom-developed courses available quickly.

FlexTraining Universal Learning Platform

Here are some ways a consulting company - looking to expand its services and client relationships - will benefit from partnering with FlexTraining.

1. Enhanced Service Offerings:

2. Strengthened Client Relationships:

3. Improved Client Outcomes:

4. Revenue Growth:

5. Competitive Advantage:

6. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology:

7. Marketing and Co-Branding Opportunities:

8. Comprehensive Support and Resources:

9. Scalable Solutions:

By leveraging the FlexTraining streamlined teaching platform, a consulting company can expand its service portfolio, strengthen client relationships, and drive its own growth and the growth of its clients.


Your Monthly Revenue Projection - Sample Values in USD

New Clients / Customers:
Average Customer Size (Users):
Commission %:30%
Sales Professional Compensation This Month:________


1: There is no limit on the amount of compensation you earn in any month.

2: Your product: View a 4-minute narrated demo of the FlexTraining system.

3: This example shows only revenue based on learning technology sales. Your services fees for coursebuilding, system setup, and ongoing operations are unlimited and would be added to the above.


The FlexTraining Strategic Sales & Service Strategic Partner offers a Free Tier which is rich with resources and new ideas. These resources include:

1. Skills and Knowledge Transfer:

2. Technology Sales Starter Kit:

3. Online Samples:

4. Short White Papers:

5. Training Best Practices:

6. Instant Upgrade:

Thanks for grabbing this opportunity and moving ahead with one of our Tiers as described above. We look foreward to working with you!
