
FlexTraining Gets High-Volume Makeover

Tampa, FL - Sepember 28, 2017

The FlexTraining Total E-Learning Solution has been enhanced with a broad series of structural and coding enhancements designed to handle the large volume data required by its growing customer base. The FlexTraining software team recently completed and tested the modifications, most of which are "behind the scenes" but which will make the software more capable for companies with large numbers of courses and students.

The project involved streamlining high-traffic areas and screens used by students and training managers, and rebuilding key analysis and enrollment reports. Other tasks involved locating and resolving bottlenecks in the system which resulted in slow page loading, delays in presenting longs course lists on the screen, and heavy processing for very large databases. It also meant extensive redesign of screens which presented large amounts of data, a problem common to large companies and organizations. Most of the changes involved the FlexTraining Management module, where managers create courses, manage learners, and monitor ongoing training.

The boost in processing efficiency and data streamlining were necessitated by the larger companies and organizations which have adopted FlexTraining as their Learning Management platform, according to General Manager Scott Cochran. "Not long ago most of our customers were training a few hundred students. Now we have many customers whose learning audience runs well into the thousands, or more."

Many of the techniques used to achieve the streamlining were technical in nature, like predefined data fields, tabbed management screens, imbedded IFRAME elements to conserve screen space, and reduced database hits. Other methods include process changes like a count-ahead report filter which alerts the user to a pending large report before the full report actually processes.

The faster, more efficient FlexTraining will be available to customers hosted at FlexTraining as well as companies licensing the software for use on their own web servers.

FlexTraining is a complete Learning Management System that works with any web browser over the Internet or a corporate Intranet. It lets customers author, build, deliver and manage custom online training and testing over a local or distributed network. For more information on this online training tool visit www.flextraining.com or call 1-888-957-7771.